Friday, August 3, 2012

Gay Marriage the final straw

First of all let's pretend that it hasn't been over a year since my last post. I was busy and had nothing at all worth typing. Ok! Now that we've taken care of that, let's get down to business.
I was reading an article on the ever so liberal news site MSNBC about Chick-fil-A. I'm guessing we've all read something about this whole 'situation'. I LOVE to scroll to the bottom and read the comments and arguments for or against Gay Marriage. 'Christians' (and I say that with quotations because I'm down right positive most of them aren't) are out in full force defending the institution of Marriage and using slanderous, hateful remarks against homosexuals. 
The latest publicity stunt will be a 'Kiss In' at Chick-Fil-A where homosexual couples will bombard C-F-A and sit in the restaurant and kiss all day long. Outrage! Death threats! How appalling that they stage their own sit in at C-F-A like the Christians did earlier this week. (This is generally how most of the comments were worded. Someone even proposed a drive over gay people day.)
I read the article a couple of hours ago and have been mulling over a few thoughts I'd like to share with you. Here goes...
I see 'Christians' against Gay Marriage and they are willing to fight tooth and nail to 'save the institution of marriage'. They are horrified that this thing we hold so dear would be violated by so called sexual deviants.
I would venture to say that heterosexuals have done far more damage to the institution of marriage than any attempts by homosexuals to become married. Divorce rates doubled between the 1960's and the 80's. Dating websites were made to connect married people together for the purpose of cheating. Affairs both emotional and physical are glamorized on television and yes even take place in our churches.
So where were all you Marriage crusaders when divorce rates skyrocketed? Have you been divorced yourselves? Have you cheated on your spouse? Have you encouraged a divorce? Are you involved in pornography? ALL of these things are harmful to the institution of marriage.  
Let me be clear: I don't agree with gay marriage. I don't agree with divorce. (I know there are circumstances such as abuse where the victim shouldn't stay. I understand that, but that isn't what I'm talking about that. I'm talking about the 'we've grown apart' divorce.)
In conclusion, stop and look at your own hypocrisy before you condemn one group of people that need Jesus. You aren't willing to witness to them about the love of Christ and you'll bash them on Facebook. I'm not picking on anyone in particular, but if you feel convicted so be it.
No one will follow us to Christ if we are chasing them away with pitchforks and chicken sandwiches.


  1. Good thoughts, girl! Glad to see you blogging again!

  2. I appreciate your thoughts. I agree that we as believers have done more to destroy God's ordained union of marriage between a man and woman than anyone else and we do a good job of justifying it.
