Have you ever witnessed to someone who knew the truth but wasn't willing to give up their old life? They are content with their sin, their chains, and their burdens. They are convinced that living an intentional life for Christ will require them giving up all they hold dear. Christians don't have fun. That is the great misconception.
Oh boy do we know some Christians that scowl constantly right!? Obviously being a Christian means you have to eat Bran flakes for breakfast everyday and watch Touched By An Angel reruns every Saturday night. I'm sorry but that is just not true!
Lets face it. I am a fun person. I crack jokes, know a lot of useless facts (that ones for you MW) and I laugh a whole lot. Knowing who I am living life for doesn't change my personality. It changes what I joke and laugh about.
Being (not just saying you are) a Christian does change you. You will give things up. No doubt about that. You can't keep living your old life once you accept the truth. But giving up things is hard right!? Sometimes yes. But sometimes No. As you start to conform your thoughts and your will to what God has for you, you find you aren't as concerned with those 'worldly things'. Don't expect over night success though. This is a process.
Would you like a personal example? I was a huge Gleek. I never missed an episode. I bought the first season! I loved Glee. Then after two of the main homosexual characters kissed, I was kinda like...ew. I was convicted to stop watching the show. So I didn't watch another episode after that. I've been told that there wasn't anymore guys kissing and it isn't that bad. I saw the previews for new episodes and was really tempted to start back up again. BUT! I knew I didn't need to watch the show anymore. It isn't good for me. My personal conviction was to stop watching it period. Who wants to relive high school anyway!? So I'm done and sometimes sad, but staying strong. There are TV shows that I can watch without getting that ew feeling.
I know that is a cheesy example of giving up something. Maybe you are being convicted about giving up drinking or a relationship. That is a lot harder than just a tv show. But please let me encourage you though. When you start taking out the bad and replacing it with Godly things, you will ALWAYS be more satisfied. You will always find more joy (notice I didn't say you will always be happy) in life when you live according to Godly standards.
I am not here to be anyone's conscience. I'm not telling you to stop watching Glee or drinking or whatever. BUT, if you feel like you should stop, then do it! Obedience rocks and I am free to have plenty of fun. Christianity isn't about what I can't do. Christianity is about what has already been done for me.
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