Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Tell me honestly. Did anyone think the rapture would happen on Saturday May 21? I didn't. I mean really. The articles made those Harold Camping followers out to be real nut jobs. And maybe they were... but we all know how the media loves to make religious people out to be lunatics. How about Robert Fitzpatrick who gave his whole life savings, $140,000, to Camping and his campaign. I can't help but feel bad for this guy! Then I kind of laugh.. but I mostly feel bad! 

I just don't know how they could trust this guy when the Bible clearly states that we don't know the hour he is coming back! And it won't be when you expect him. Check out Matthew 24:36-44. 

So here it is. My question of the day. Would your life be different if we knew WHEN Christ was coming? 
To answer my own question honestly, I Would be living differently if I knew the exact time and date Christ was returning. I would be living A LOT differently. I'm guessing we all would. But is that right?
We know he is coming. And some of us might feel like it might be soon. So why aren't we living differently, with a sense of urgency? I think urgency is a hard thing to keep up. I was thinking on Friday "There are a lot of people I should witness to if tomorrow is the last day for me on earth." I didn't make one phone call or write one email because I knew I wasn't going anywhere. But wait!!! I could have just as easily died in a car accident! 

We don't need to know our last day on earth to really witness to people. We really should be doing it every day. I heard a sermon the other day that basically said this: Why would you hide the most important relationship of your life!? You wouldn't tell your husband or wife, 'I love you' in private and pretend not to know them in public! If Christ is important to you than act like it.

Bottom line: We can't live every day like its our last day on earth. That would be exhausting and full of money spending and crossing of things off our Bucket List. But we can live every day like it is important to the salvation of someone else.

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