Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Great Misconception

Have you ever witnessed to someone who knew the truth but wasn't willing to give up their old life? They are content with their sin, their chains, and their burdens. They are convinced that living an intentional life for Christ will require them giving up all they hold dear. Christians don't have fun. That is the great misconception. 
Oh boy do we know some Christians that scowl constantly right!? Obviously being a Christian means you have to eat Bran flakes for breakfast everyday and watch Touched By An Angel reruns every Saturday night. I'm sorry but that is just not true! 
Lets face it. I am a fun person. I crack jokes, know a lot of useless facts (that ones for you MW) and I laugh a whole lot. Knowing who I am living life for doesn't change my personality. It changes what I joke and laugh about. 
Being (not just saying you are) a Christian does change you. You will give things up. No doubt about that. You can't keep living your old life once you accept the truth. But giving up things is hard right!? Sometimes yes. But sometimes No. As you start to conform your thoughts and your will to what God has for you, you find you aren't as concerned with those 'worldly things'. Don't expect over night success though. This is a process.

Would you like a personal example? I was a huge Gleek. I never missed an episode. I bought the first season! I loved Glee. Then after two of the main homosexual characters kissed, I was kinda like...ew. I was convicted to stop watching the show. So I didn't watch another episode after that. I've been told that there wasn't anymore guys kissing and it isn't that bad. I saw the previews for new episodes and was really tempted to start back up again. BUT! I knew I didn't need to watch the show anymore. It isn't good for me. My personal conviction was to stop watching it period. Who wants to relive high school anyway!? So I'm done and sometimes sad, but staying strong. There are TV shows that I can watch without getting that ew feeling.

I know that is a cheesy example of giving up something. Maybe you are being convicted about giving up drinking or a relationship. That is a lot harder than just a tv show. But please let me encourage you though. When you start taking out the bad and replacing it with Godly things, you will ALWAYS be more satisfied. You will always find more joy (notice I didn't say you will always be happy) in life when you live according to  Godly standards.
I am not here to be anyone's conscience. I'm not telling you to stop watching Glee or drinking or whatever. BUT, if you feel like you should stop, then do it! Obedience rocks and I am free to have plenty of fun. Christianity isn't about what I can't do. Christianity is about what has already been done for me.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Tell me honestly. Did anyone think the rapture would happen on Saturday May 21? I didn't. I mean really. The articles made those Harold Camping followers out to be real nut jobs. And maybe they were... but we all know how the media loves to make religious people out to be lunatics. How about Robert Fitzpatrick who gave his whole life savings, $140,000, to Camping and his campaign. I can't help but feel bad for this guy! Then I kind of laugh.. but I mostly feel bad! 

I just don't know how they could trust this guy when the Bible clearly states that we don't know the hour he is coming back! And it won't be when you expect him. Check out Matthew 24:36-44. 

So here it is. My question of the day. Would your life be different if we knew WHEN Christ was coming? 
To answer my own question honestly, I Would be living differently if I knew the exact time and date Christ was returning. I would be living A LOT differently. I'm guessing we all would. But is that right?
We know he is coming. And some of us might feel like it might be soon. So why aren't we living differently, with a sense of urgency? I think urgency is a hard thing to keep up. I was thinking on Friday "There are a lot of people I should witness to if tomorrow is the last day for me on earth." I didn't make one phone call or write one email because I knew I wasn't going anywhere. But wait!!! I could have just as easily died in a car accident! 

We don't need to know our last day on earth to really witness to people. We really should be doing it every day. I heard a sermon the other day that basically said this: Why would you hide the most important relationship of your life!? You wouldn't tell your husband or wife, 'I love you' in private and pretend not to know them in public! If Christ is important to you than act like it.

Bottom line: We can't live every day like its our last day on earth. That would be exhausting and full of money spending and crossing of things off our Bucket List. But we can live every day like it is important to the salvation of someone else.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thoughts on Depression

                                               What is it?
A state of feeling sad : dejection (2) : a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies. This is diagnosed as clinical when someone has felt this way for at least 2 weeks. Not woke up on the wrong side of the bed, in a funk, out of sorts, kind of feeling that everyone has.

Who suffers from it?
"Be merciful to me, O Lord, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and my body with grief. My life is consumed by anguish and my years by groaning; my strength fails because of my affliction, and my bones grow weak" (Ps. 31:9-10).
Job, just read the book!
Elijah in 1 Kings 19 – I love this story because the Angle of the Lord has Elijah eat and sleep to get better. Then he goes on a 40 journey, just after he had been asking for death! Our bodies are a temple!

A survey in 2009 showed that there was no evidence to suggest that the frequency with which one attends church altered or diminished the occurrence of Depression. Supposedly 25% of church goers experience depression at some point and 15% are taking anti-depressants. I couldn’t find any other sources to back up these numbers.

Of course there has been a significant rise in the diagnosing of Depression mostly due to pharmaceutical companies and psychologists lowering the threshold of diagnosing the ‘illness’. It is no longer ok to just ok. You have to good, or great when someone asks how you are doing. If you respond ok or fine then something must be wrong and subsequent questions follow. Our society doesn’t recognize normal emotional fluctuations. Bi-Polar seems to be thrown around a lot.

What are some causes of Depression?

* Situational Depression – Job, housing, family dynamics
* Sin – Guilt induced depression
* Exhaustion – I listened to Dr. Dobson yesterday and he spoke about his own father’s bout with depression. His father was a traveling evangelical speaker. He worked himself to the point of exhaustion and had to quit. It took two years for him to recover. He found that he needed an athletic outlet and took up tennis.
* Chemical Imbalance – which can’t be proved but can be medicated
* A God given emotion
* And for Women, a hormonal imbalance or issue like after child birth
* Distorted thoughts – such as; I’m not as good as others, My family would be better off, and other self destructive thoughts.
This is not a complete list! This is just what I compiled from my research.

What does discouraged mean?
To deprive of courage, hope, or confidence, dishearten, dispirit.
So I was wondering if we sometimes jumping to conclusions and calling discouragement depression. There is a difference. We can all be discouraged at times. I would venture to say that Jesus was discouraged during his time on earth. I don’t know that he was Depressed.

I took a poll on my facebook last night and I had 31 comments.
I asked is :Depression a sin issue, chemical imbalance or normal emotion. (I discovered and thought of a few more later on after my research)
2 said Sin
1 said both
2 said normal emotion
2 said situation
Another cautioned us against judging and a few more just saying nice topic.
Than it just turned into a long discussion after that.
Pretty much most people didn’t believe it was solely a sin issue.
A lot of the people that commented had dealt with it themselves.

No one here pays to hear what I think, but here ya go!
I personally have dealt with 3 of these for sure and I do believe that A Chemical Imbalance plays a part in depression. BUT not to the extent that social media, psychotherapists, and pharmaceutical companies say they do.

But what it all comes back to is the focus that I am placing on myself. Maybe you’ve heard it said that the best medicine for depression and self loathing is to volunteer time to a bigger cause like a Homeless Shelter or Animal Shelter. We have a hard time thinking about ourselves when we are focusing on others.
I have been on medication before for Depression. Looking back, it was probably situational depression. Someone I was close to told me that Depression was solely a sin issue and that obviously I had to stop taking the meds and do some serious praying. I did just that. Went off of Zoloft cold turkey and prayed. I don’t remember what lifted me out of that depression, but you can bet it wasn’t someone judging me and telling me what to do. No way! The church has a big problem with Depression and drugs. I heard someone say on Dr. Dobson’s program that the same people who take Lipitor and other drugs for various reasons are the first to condemn you for taking an anti-depressant. Church, why are we so judgey!? Why do we all assume we are right? Everything is opinion! Your opinion is not fact. 
How am I handling my depression right now?
1, I learned that my destructive thoughts played a huge role in my depression. I believed lies and was repeating them to myself all day! I ‘captured my thoughts’ and started living and believing Biblical Truths. I have Isaiah 55:8 is taped to the wall by my kitchen sink. ‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD’
2, on those cloudy days I’ve sought the LORD with my whole heart. Making sure that I was walking closely with him and asking him to search my heart for any thing that I may have done that could cause me to feel this way today.
3, life continues. My girls still need me. I still need to get up and feed, clothe, and care for them. I have to choose to smile at them sometimes. I cannot just lie on the couch all day. It just isn’t an option! When I decide to be apart of life, usually, I find that things just aren’t as foggy.
4, This happened most recently. I was being disobedient. I knew I was. God asked me to do something and I didn’t want to. So I didn’t. For 2 weeks I was depressed. I knew what he wanted me to do and I knew that when I did, the depression would lift. So I finally sat down and obeyed. Obviously under great protest since it took two weeks. But when I sat there having completed my task, the cloud over my head was lifted.

My depression doesn’t happen as often as it use to. And when it does I am better equipped to handle it. But some days nothing helps. No amount of prayer, reading my Bible, and helping others lifts that fog. I don’t know what to say about that. I have no explanation.

The articles I read stemmed from a google search of the words depression and Christianity. There were many articles, but my favorite was from the Christianity Today Magazine. An Article in March 2009 called The Depression Epidemic.